Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Dishonored 2- see the world from Emily's eyes

There are few games I'm more excited about this year than Dishonored 2.
You can keep your blockbuster multiplayer melees, I'm a fan of a deep dark story and the kind of gameplay which lets you approach things in multiple different ways.
Partly that's because I'm a bit of an impatient gamer. I like the idea of meticulously sneaking into a level, silently slipping past guards and finding hidden routes to pass unseen. But I also want to be able to get out of a sticky sitation if needs be, and am particularly fond of a bit of the old ultraviolence.
Dishonored plays to those elements in a delicious way, with level designs that encourage exploration and a measured pace and plenty of nefarious powers which you can unleash when cornered.

For the new game, you'll be able to play each and every level as either original protagonist Corvo (who now speaks!) or Emily, who you had to save in the first title. Each has their own powers and perspectives, giving you at least two entirely differnent playthroughs.
Here's a look at the world through Emily's eyes.

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